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Articles by the Team @ Owl Readers Club

What a Wonderful World

What a Wonderful World

If you are a fan of classic songs reimagined as children’s book content then you are going to love What A Wonderful World; based on the lyrics of – and you probably guessed it – Louis Armstrong’s song of the same title. There are a couple of versions of What A Wonderful World in circulation but my favourite is the one illustrated by Tim Hopgood.
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Famous Non-Writers Writing Books

Famous Non-Writers Writing Books

According to Ranker, there are 55 celebrities who have written children’s books and the numbers are growing. Some of the notable names that made the lists are George Foreman, Jim Carrey, and Madonna. Most celebrities have just one title to their names which, in my books, wouldn’t put them in the same league as professional children book writers like Silverstein, Sendak or Seuss.
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Parenting Journey: The 5 Difference In Parents’ Reaction Between The First And Third Child

Parenting Journey: The 5 Difference In Parents’ Reaction Between The First And Third Child

In one of the most expensive city in the world to live in, raising a child while maintaining a first world lifestyle probably involves the selling of a kidney or two. When I see families with three or more children in tow, my mind immediately assumes a few things: One, they really love children. Two, it was an accident. Three, the Baby Bonus package must be rather attractive. Four, they have no idea what to do with the excess cash. I’m sure there are other more legitimate reasons but my brain is unable to fathom it right now.
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Difference Between Raising a Son and a Daughter in Singapore

Difference Between Raising a Son and a Daughter in Singapore

Growing up in the generation that straddles between traditional values and modern mentality, I find that this is the era of great change and confusion. Gone are the days when you can have Toys for Boys in a department store without offending the sensitivities of some left-wing mothers, though such extreme gender issues seem to be pronounced in the West than it is here in Singapore.
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3 Unhealthy Habits To Look Out For and How To Break Them

3 Unhealthy Habits To Look Out For and How To Break Them

Watching your toddler suck on his thumb or put a booger in his mouth can be enduringly cute the first few times but it can quickly turn into an unhealthy habit if parents don’t communicate their disapproval of such actions early in the child’s developmental years. Sometimes the Oh-he-will-grow-out-of-it phase doesn’t come till some nasty damages have been done.
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Put Down That Book and Play!

Put Down That Book and Play!

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. We have been talking about reading for quite a bit, so this time I’m going to lay off the serious stuff and talk about the importance of play for a change. So the next time you see your kid reading a book, tell him to put it away and go out and play!
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If Not For Bob Dylan ...

If Not For Bob Dylan ...

“Wherever I am, I’m a ’60s troubadour, a folk-rock relic, a wordsmith from bygone days, a fictitious head of state from a place nobody knows. I’m in the bottomless pit of cultural oblivion.” – Bob Dylan, Chronicles: Volume One
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Short Cut to Being an Awesome Storyteller, Sort Of

Short Cut to Being an Awesome Storyteller, Sort Of

Not everyone is blessed with the gift of the gap but that doesn’t mean you have to shrug your shoulders in resignation. You can still be a superstar storyteller in your child’s eyes if you follow these simple steps. Well, sort of.
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How to Control an Angry Child

How to Control an Angry Child

Jimmy was a very hot tempered boy and he would say and do things to hurt people in times of anger, though he was always apologetic and remorseful after the tirade. To teach him a lesson, Jimmy’s father told him to hammer a nail into the wooden fence of their backyard every time he feels angry instead of taking it out on others. Days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months. By the end of that year, the fence was filled with nails. Jimmy’s father instructed Jimmy to remove all the nails, and Jimmy did so, one by one, until eventually all that was left on the wooden fence were holes.
“So you see, son,” Jimmy’s father said. “You may have removed the nails but the holes remain, and that is the damage you would have done if you have allowed your temper to affect others.”
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Childhood Development: Areas to Improve

Childhood Development: Areas to Improve

Parental authorities differ slightly on how to organize childhood development. In today’s parenthood, one of the main issues facing us all is about intelligence and how it relates to the "Nature versus Nurture" debate.
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The Magical Art of Storytelling

The Magical Art of Storytelling

It’s hard to imagine a world without Internet. However, if you are a child of the 70s or earlier, you might remember a time when grandma’s wisdom was passed down through word of mouth and very often stories get twisted along the way as each teller embellishes it with his or her own variation. Storytelling was a common occurrence on rediffusion and at community centres with old men regaling tales by kerosene lamps. It was the YouTube of your grandpa’s generation.
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Investing in Childhood Education

Investing in Childhood Education

Early education does provide the foundation necessary for later stages of the learning process. The significance of early childhood education cannot be overlooked. The formative years in our children are the most important years in child-development and there are so many different products available for a pretty penny designed to help your child get an edge over his peers.
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