Yo! Yes?
The Monkey and the Bee
A Dazzle of Zebras
Why Dogs Bury Bones
Guess Who, Elmo!
Sesame Street - Animal Alphabet
Daddy's Little Star
Mummy Loves Me
Rescue Truck - 2 in 1 pull-back storybook fun
Race Car - 2 in 1 pull-back storybook fun
Peek Inside Animals
Charles Fuge's Astonishing Animal ABC
It’s Not Fair!
Explore with Dino and Friends
The Night Shift
Thinking Outside The Box
Exclusive - It's Showtime!
Incredible But True: Dinosaurs
Let's Go! Singapore Edition
When I Feel Angry
Learn Your Numbers
The Animal Band
Hoot's First Book of Colours
Who's Afraid Of The Dark
Guess How Much I Love You Snuggle Book
First Steps Alphabet
Julius! Wild West Bananza
I love you, Grandad
妈妈您真好 - Exclusive
一口气读完的成语故事漫画有声书 - Exclusive
奇妙洞洞书: 你是什么星座?
奇妙洞洞书: 猫头鹰说故事
Cantonese Audio Nursery Rhyme Book - Exclusive!
一口气读完的成语故事漫画有声书 - Exclusive
手指点读 - 宝宝学说话有声书 - Upgraded
孩子的语言启蒙发声书 - 我会读弟子规
Exclusive - 触摸有声书 - 嘿,神秘的大恐龙 (Dinosaurs)